Polish Citizenship Confirmation

“Can I get Polish citizenship? Can I apply for a Polish passport?” These questions are crucial, especially if you’re unsure about your heritage. If you think you might have Polish roots, the path to becoming a Polish citizen could be closer than you think.

Key considerations for Polish citizenship

Did you discover that your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents were Polish? Do you have any Polish documents belonging to your family members? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, there is a strong chance you hold Polish citizenship.

Contact us for a free consultation. We will evaluate your case, verify your eligibility for Polish citizenship, and guide you through the process of confirming your status. With our help, you can obtain a Polish passport and enjoy the numerous benefits it offers.

Benefits of Polish Citizenship

Why should you apply for Polish citizenship?

Once you confirm your Polish citizenship, you gain access to the benefits of European Union citizenship. These include:

  • Freedom to work and live in the EU: You can reside, work, or study anywhere in Europe without restrictions.
  • Family Benefits: Your family members, including children, will have the right to reside with you. Children can also inherit your Polish citizenship and apply for their own Polish passports.
  • Ease of Travel: Say goodbye to long queues at European airports.

By confirming your Polish citizenship, you ensure a better future for yourself and your family.

How to confirm Polish citizenship

Understanding the process

The confirmation of Polish citizenship involves verifying that one of your direct ancestors—a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent—held Polish citizenship. However, there are important historical and legal aspects to consider:

  • Key date: January 20, 1920: If your ancestors left Polish territories after this date, it’s likely they retained their Polish citizenship, which could have been passed to you through ius sanguinis (right of blood).

Verification of citizenship status: It is essential to confirm that none of your Polish ancestors lost their citizenship through events such as acquiring foreign citizenship, military service in a foreign army or renouncing their Polish status.

What documents are needed?

To obtain confirmation of Polish citizenship, you’ll need to gather evidence such as:

  • Birth, marriage, and death certificates of your Polish ancestors.
  • Any Polish passports or identification documents.
  • Proof of residence or citizenship status in Poland or Polish territories.

All foreign documents must be translated into Polish by a sworn translator.

Who can get Polish citizenship?

Criteria for eligibility

To qualify for Polish citizenship confirmation, you must have at least one direct ancestor who held Polish citizenship. The steps include:

  1. Research your heritage: Determine if your parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent was Polish.
  2. Check citizenship status: Confirm that they did not lose their citizenship through legal changes or acquiring foreign citizenship.

Submit documentation: Provide the required documents to Polish authorities.

Special cases

In some instances, additional proof might be needed, such as:

  • Evidence of residence in Poland or Polish territories.
  • Documents confirming recognition as a Polish citizen.

Frequently Asked Questions about Polish citizenship

Where can I lodge my Polish citizenship application?

If you reside abroad, you can lodge it at the nearest Polish Consulate General. Otherwise, if you have a postal address in Poland or hire a proxy, your application can be lodged directly at Voivodeship Office.

Can I pass Polish citizenship to my children?

Yes, Polish citizenship is passed down through generations. Once you confirm your citizenship, your children are eligible to apply for confirmation of their Polish citizenship and obtain Polish passports.

What if my ancestors left Poland before 1920?

The date your ancestors emigrated is crucial. If they left before January 20, 1920, additional research may be required to verify their citizenship status at the time.

How to apply for confirmation of Polish citizenship

Steps to follow

  1. Submit your application: The application for confirmation of Polish citizenship should be completed and submitted to the appropriate Polish authorities.
  2. Prepare documents: Gather all necessary documents, ensuring they are translated into Polish.
  3. Await verification: The Polish Voivodeship Office will review your case to confirm citizenship.

What happens after confirmation?

Once your citizenship is confirmed, you can apply for a Polish passport and enjoy all the rights and privileges of Polish and European citizenship.

Key takeaways

  • Polish citizenship confirmation: Start by verifying if any direct ancestors held Polish citizenship.
  • Required documents: Collect birth certificates, Polish passports, and proof of residency where applicable and any other Polish documents of your ancestor.
  • Benefits: Gain freedom to work, live, and travel in the EU, and pass citizenship to your family.
  • Process: Submit your application through Polish authorities or consulates, with all documents translated into Polish.

Contact us today to start your journey towards confirming your Polish citizenship and obtaining your Polish passport!

If you are interested in applying for Polish Citizenship,

contact us for a FREE consultation.

We are experts with over 10 years of experience and +1000 confirmed Polish citizenships. If your Polish ancestors left Poland or what used to be Polish territory after 1920, we can confirm if you qualify for Polish citizenship through descent and advice on the best way to achieve it– all for free. 

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