How to get a job in Europe?

Polish citizenship and along with-it Polish passport open access to Europe and its job market. As a Polish citizen, you not only get a chance to reside wherever you want in Europe, but also travel freely with no visa restrictions. What is more important, you can apply for a job without being worried about any job visa or work permit. If you know that you have Polish ancestry there is a chance that you are eligible to get Polish citizenship by descent. This way you can secure free and unlimited access to Europe yourself, your spouse, and kids.

Great employment opportunities and high wages have made the concept of working in European countries very popular also from the point of view of non-EU citizens. We have observed that foreigners have become increasingly willing to consider moving to Europe to start a new life. How to get a job in Europe? Can a foreigner apply for a job despite not being a European citizen? You will find more below.

How to find a job in Europe?

Europe is famous for its balanced approach when it comes to work and leisure. There are plenty of job opportunities in various European countries with constantly growing business and a need for educated and experienced workforce. Employers are very understanding, and what’s more, Europe is a pleasant environment to work in. You do not have to worry about working hours or breaking employee laws. Seems fantastic, doesn’t it? The case we just mentioned only applies to European citizens. The European market is open to them, making the issue of looking for a job as smooth as possible.

European job market is to European Union citizens. It is crucial to have a Polish passport (or any other EU country) or hold dual citizenship. For non-EU citizens the whole process is way more complicated. Non-EU citizen require a work permit or find an employer who will sponsor employment and obtain the needed documentation that allows him to legally apply for a job in Europe. Each country has its own visa regulations for employees outside the EU.


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The benefits of working in Europe – what should you know about it?

As stated above, a person who does not hold Polish citizenship or any other EU country may apply for a job based on the work visa he obtained. The whole process is not that easy and requires employer’s involvement. A company must prove it cannot find anyone who meets the conditions for the job within Europe, keep a job ad open for a certain period and provide lots of paperwork to support the need to hire a non-EU citizen. In case a non-EU citizen has a temporary residence and work permission, they can legally look for a job in Poland or other European countries.

If you meet the above requirements, you are on the right path to search for a job in the EU.  If you decide to chose Poland as your destination country, it is worth mentioning, there are lots of big international companies across Poland hiring non-Polish speakers, so lack of Polish language knowledge won’t be a barrier for you. And any additional European language is a big advantage to have!

Polish and European Citizenship via naturalization

Being employed in Europe gives you a chance to live in your dream destination, meet a new culture and start living a new life. After couple of years of living in European country, a non-EU citizen after meeting certain requirements can naturalize as a citizen of respective country. For example, if you get a work permit in Poland after a few years of being a resident of a different origin, you get a chance to apply for Polish citizenship by naturalization (in Polish: “uznanie za obywatela”). You will need to pass the Polish language exam, prove your source of income, show contract of employment and housing details as well. This way, you do not only become a citizen of Poland but also a European one!

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Other European countries have similar requirements when it comes to obtaining their citizenship via naturalization process so its a path worth discovering in case you don’t have European roots and you are not eligible for European or Polish citizenship by descent.

Polish citizenship for Americans with Polish ancestry

The emigration of Polish people to the United States is a story of resilience, hope, and the pursuit of a better life. Over the past centuries, millions of Poles have left their homeland to seek new opportunities across the Atlantic, transforming both their own lives and the fabric of American society. Americans, with Polish roots whose ancestors left Poland after 1920 can apply for Polish citizenship by descent which opens many gates to live, work and study in Europe without any visas and limits.

How British citizens with Polish roots can get EU citizenship and Polish passport

If you are British citizen, you may wonder how to keep European Union citizenship after Brexit and have easy access to the EU job market, freedom of travel across the Schengen Zone. If you have Polish roots, your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents were born in Poland, there is a chance you too have acquired Polish citizenship.

Polish Citizenship Equals European Union Citizenship: What This Means for You

Did you know that holding Polish citizenship grants you all the rights and benefits of European Union (EU) citizenship? As a member state of the EU, Poland extends these privileges to all its citizens, opening a world of opportunities across Europe. Here’s what having Polish (and therefore EU) citizenship means and how it can enrich your personal and professional life.