Dual citizenship in Poland: What you need to know

The concept of dual citizenship has become more relevant, offering individuals the opportunity to enjoy the benefits and responsibilities of being a citizen of two countries. For many Poles and individuals with Polish heritage, dual citizenship is a valuable status. Here’s what you need to know about dual citizenship in Poland.

Dual citizenship in Poland - Legal Framework

Poland allows dual citizenship, but with some stipulations. The Polish Citizenship Act of 2009 and subsequent amendments outline the rules and procedures. According to Polish law, acquiring another citizenship does not result in the loss of Polish citizenship. However, Polish citizens are required to use their Polish passport when entering or leaving Poland, even if they hold another passport.

Acquiring Dual Citizenship in Poland

  1. By Birth (Polish citizenship by descent): Children born to at least one Polish parent acquire Polish citizenship automatically via the right of blood, regardless of their place of birth. This right extends to subsequent generations under certain conditions. It is necessary to prove that Polish citizenship was once held by a Polish ancestor, not lost at any point of time and passed all the way to next descendants all the way to the applicant.
  2. Through Naturalization: Foreign nationals can acquire Polish citizenship through naturalization, provided they meet specific residency, language, and legal requirements. Once naturalized, these individuals can retain their original citizenship if their home country allows dual citizenship.
  3. Restoration of Citizenship: For those of Polish descent who lost their citizenship, perhaps due to historical events or changes in national borders, Poland offers the possibility to restore citizenship. This process involves proving Polish ancestry and fulfilling other administrative requirements.

Benefits of Dual Citizenship

Dual citizenship offers numerous advantages:

  1. Travel and Residency: Dual citizens enjoy the freedom to live, work, and study in both countries without needing visas or residency permits. For Polish citizens, this includes the right to live and work in any EU member state.
  2. Economic Opportunities: Dual citizens can own property, invest, and conduct business in both countries, benefiting from local economic opportunities and regulations.
  3. Cultural and Social Benefits: Maintaining a connection to both countries allows individuals to immerse themselves in and contribute to both cultures. This can be particularly valuable for those wishing to preserve their heritage and participate in cultural events.
  4. Educational Opportunities: Dual citizens can access educational institutions and scholarships in both countries, broadening their academic and professional horizons.

Dual citizenship in Poland - Responsibilities and Obligations

Dual citizenship also comes with responsibilities:

  1. Legal Obligations: Dual citizens must comply with the laws and regulations of both countries. It’s crucial to be aware of potential conflicts, such as double taxation, and seek advice to manage these obligations.
  2. Consular Protection: While abroad, dual citizens can seek consular assistance from either country. However, in the country of residence, they may be treated solely as a citizen of that country, which can limit consular protection from the other country.
  3. Civic Duties: Dual citizens should engage with civic duties in both countries, such as voting and participating in community activities. This engagement helps strengthen the democratic processes and cultural ties in both nations.


Dual citizenship in Poland offers a wealth of opportunities for individuals to connect with their heritage, enjoy broader rights, and participate in the cultural, economic, and social life of two nations. While it comes with its set of challenges and responsibilities, the benefits often outweigh the complexities. By understanding the legal framework and navigating the requirements, individuals can successfully embrace the advantages of dual citizenship and being a holder of a Polish passport.

If you need help, contact us for a FREE consultation:

The process of Polish citizenship confirmation can be complex, so having accurate and complete documentation is crucial. If you are not sure if the evidence you have is enough, please contact us for a free consultation. Our friendly Polish Citizenship Experts will assess your situation and case and advise on the best next steps for you. If you are interested in our services, we will be able to issue you a non-obligatory quote for our assistance.

 Check if you qualify and contact us for a FREE consultation of your case. You can fill in our Contact form on our website, send us an email at contact@fivetoeurope.com or give us a call phone / WhatsApp / Signal + 48 509 374 209

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