
Legal regulations of Polish citizenship

Citizenship is a legal institution, which means that it is shaped by law. The legal norms that define citizenship are most often referred to as citizenship laws. Laws on citizenship are understood as legal regulations devoted to the issues of having, acquiring and losing citizenship, as well as the procedures and bodies responsible for resolving issues related to Polish citizenship.

On the trail of refugee camps to Great Britain

During World War II, several hundred thousand Poles were deported into far away Russian territory. Russia occupied the eastern part of Poland and imprisoned many people. After the Sikorski-Majski Agreement was signed in July 1941, many Polish citizens were released from the camps in Siberia. Poles began their journey towards the places where the Polish Army was formed under the command of General Wladyslaw Anders as they could count on Polish soldiers help.

Poland’s borders after World War II

The establishment of the borders of the Polish state after World War II and the consequent shape of the country can without much exaggeration be called an unprecedented event in the modern history of Europe.

6 things you should know about Polish passport

Being able to call yourself a Polish citizen sounds great, doesn’t it? If you are looking for help with applying for a Polish passport or maybe you are still not sure if you could get it – stay with us for a moment. As you may probably know, we assist people with their special needs.

If you are interested in applying for Polish Citizenship contact us for a free assessment of your case.