Category: Information

Brexit and British citizens of Polish descent

In the United Kingdom there is a big population of British Poles, British citizens of Polish descent. Many of their ancestors settled down in UK after World War II. There were Polish soldiers, servicemen and women, who thought alongside allied forces, Polish military personnel, Polish survivors of German concentration and POW camps.

How to get a job in Europe?

Polish citizenship and along with-it Polish passport open access to Europe and its job market. As a Polish citizen, you not only get a chance to reside wherever you want in Europe, but also travel freely with no visa restrictions. What is more important, you can apply for a job without being worried about any job visa or work permit.

Polish citizenship by descent – how to start the process in 4 simple steps?

If you know that at least one of your ancestors was born in Poland or its former territories, and resided there after 1920, likely she or he was a Polish citizen and so you are. We just need to prove and confirm that citizenship was not lost by any of your ancestors linking you to the last one who left Poland and that it was passed to you.

Does Polish citizenship expire?

Polish citizenship considered as a legal institution has never been defined directly in Polish legislation. Nevertheless, representatives of legal science remain unanimous that citizenship means a legal bond connecting an individual with the state, which is referred to as the legal status or legal situation of the individual.

Passports under Polish law

The Polish passport is an official document authorizing the crossing of borders and residence abroad and certifying Polish citizenship, as well as the identity of the person indicated in it in terms of the data the document contains.

What do you need to know about restoration of Polish citizenship?

Restoration of Polish citizenship is essentially a new legal institution that appeared in the Polish legal order only with the newest, currently binding act on Polish citizenship of 2 April 2009, which came into force on 15 August 2012. Therefore, we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of that form of acquiring Polish citizenship!

What may have a negative effect on obtaining Polish citizenship?

The acquisition of Polish citizenship by confirmation may be adversely affected by several factors, such as the impossibility of proving the Polish citizenship of an ancestor, non-fulfillment of the conditions for the acquisition of Polish citizenship by any of the persons in the line of inheritance of citizenship or loss of citizenship by any of those persons.

What is the difference between granting Polish citizenship and being recognized as a Polish citizen?

Grant of Polish citizenship, commonly called naturalization, is one of the ways of acquiring Polish citizenship by a foreigner. According to Article 18 of the current Act on Polish Citizenship, the President of the Republic of Poland may grant Polish citizenship to any foreigner upon an individual’s request.

Recognition as a Polish citizen is a completely different institution from naturalization and constitutes a separate way of obtaining Polish citizenship.

General concept of citizenship

In a dictionary of the Polish language, the word ‘citizenship’ is translated as a state affiliation connected with certain rights and duties defined by the law of a given state, whereas the word ‘citizen’ is specified as a member of the society of that state having certain rights and duties defined by law. This encyclopedic definition of citizenship approximates the meaning of the term in the colloquial sense.

Can you lose your Polish citizenship?

According to a Polish Constitution nowadays the only way to lose Polish citizenship is to officially renounce it. The state and the state authorities do not have the right to deprive anyone of Polish citizenship, although in the past the situation was different and there was such a possibility.

Polish nationality vs Polish citizenship – what is the difference?

The notion of Polish citizenship has no statutory definition. In doctrine it is defined as a certain kind of legal bond between a natural person and a state, which consists in the person’s belonging to that state. It is expressed by the state providing rights for citizens and presenting them with obligations, which exist to indicate the ways of acquiring and retaining citizenship and the related rights or lack thereof.